From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After

There is perhaps no beginning to a story filled with more magical possibilities than “once upon a time.” It’s an invitation to storm the castle, swim with mermaids, defeat dark forces, and fly with the winds. It whispers, “Come along with me. An adventure awaits.” We must defeat the ogres and rescue the villagers. We …

What You Need to Know About the 2020 Census

10 questions, 10 minutes. That’s all it takes to complete the 2020 Census either online, by phone, or via paper questionnaire. The U.S. Constitution requires a count every 10 years of every person living in the United States. The census results determine how the federal government allocates more than $800 billion each year for services …

Kids and Families Connect at the Library

Spending quality time with our kids is critical to their growth and development—and it fosters strong bonds and relationships. But, our fast-paced lives can make finding opportunities for quality family time a challenge. We’re working and commuting longer hours. Schedules are packed. Budgets are tight. And planning even small outings takes time and energy. Fortunately, …

Start Up to Succeed, not to Fail. The Library Can Help!

It’s exciting when the eureka moment happens. The instance when a brilliant idea surfaces and you think, “I have something here. This could be big.” But taking that idea to action is complicated. It’s not enough to have a brilliant idea or to be passionate about your goal. It takes planning, research, and a supportive …

Getting Ahead: Secrets to a Great Job Interview

Guest Blog by Christian Knoll What are the secrets to being great in a job interview? What do you need to succeed, and how do you show the hiring manager that you are the best fit for the job? The interview process can be difficult. But, if you know how to prepare and effectively answer …