Re-Visioning the District’s Strategic Plan to Meet Our Community’s Needs

When the Library District created its 2019-2022 Strategic Plan, it reflected the various needs of our community and identified ways to anticipate and respond to changes through library services, programs, and collections. What we did not anticipate was a global pandemic drastically impacting public health and the economy; changing how we all go about work, …

How to Survive Working at Home – a guest post

Nick Armstrong is the Geek-in-Chief behind WTF Marketing. He is the lead organizer of Fort Collins Comic Con and Fort Collins Startup Week. This post was originally published at and republished with permission. A quick note before we dive in: you will see links to products I like. These are not affiliate links and …

Start Up to Succeed, not to Fail. The Library Can Help!

It’s exciting when the eureka moment happens. The instance when a brilliant idea surfaces and you think, “I have something here. This could be big.” But taking that idea to action is complicated. It’s not enough to have a brilliant idea or to be passionate about your goal. It takes planning, research, and a supportive …

Why Your Small Business Needs Plunkett Research

You NEED this level of research and industry information before making business-critical decisions such as vital industry trends, how individual industries work today and where they’ll be tomorrow. Consider this: The number of apps on the market has become so massive that consumers are less likely to be willing to sort through app stores to …