Naming the Poudre River

History facts wit’ Captain Cache Yesterday it be cold and rainy, and I was huddled below deck in the Reading Rodger. It be a perfect day for researchin’ I thought, so I fired up me computer and navigated to the Answer Cache under the Research Tab of the Poudre River Libraries website. There I were, …

Acing Yer CPA with Answer Cache

What’s yer CPA ye ask? Well, I’ll tell ye. It’s yer Certified Pirate Accreditation, and once ye’ve earned it, ye join famous pirates like me self and Cap’n Jack Sparrow. Bein’ a pirate require attitude, swagger, a general knowledge of pirate culture and o’ course good looks. Some Tips 1. Know how t’ swim fer …

Introducing Captain Cache!

Ahoy, mateys! I, Captain Cache, be the newest member of the Poudre River Public Library District’s mascot team. It be an honor, ye know, bein’ just a simple pirate and all, t’ represent the Libraries’ online activities. Let me tell ya how I came to be a Library Mascot… Once upon a time, in a …