How to Survive Working at Home – a guest post

Nick Armstrong is the Geek-in-Chief behind WTF Marketing. He is the lead organizer of Fort Collins Comic Con and Fort Collins Startup Week. This post was originally published at and republished with permission. A quick note before we dive in: you will see links to products I like. These are not affiliate links and …

Start Up to Succeed, not to Fail. The Library Can Help!

It’s exciting when the eureka moment happens. The instance when a brilliant idea surfaces and you think, “I have something here. This could be big.” But taking that idea to action is complicated. It’s not enough to have a brilliant idea or to be passionate about your goal. It takes planning, research, and a supportive …

Library Resources and Services Boost Startups and Small Business

Not everyone thinks of the public library when starting a business. Yet, it’s the radical collaboration among entrepreneurs, the Library, and our strategic partners that continues to foster local economic development. Poudre River Public Libraries have just about everything a 21st century entrepreneur might need: work space, Internet access, reference materials and research databases, and …

“Her Turf” Filmmaker Secures Grant Funding with Help from the Library

If you ever get the chance to meet Shantel Hansen, it will be clear from the start that she has a true passion for the people and the subject matter in her documentary, Her Turf. The independent, short film follows three female football referees as they attempt to level the playing field and find success …

New Harmony Nonprofit Center Opens at Harmony Library

In just the past year, the Library District has seen a 250 percent increase in contacts with nonprofits making use of library resources, programs, and services! So to continue to serve our region’s nonprofit and entrepreneurial communities, we’ve established a new space, the Harmony Nonprofit Center, located at Harmony Library. “The Library District has worked …