Check Out Human “Books” at the Living Library Book Fair

This is the second in a series highlighting the diverse human Books at the Living Library Book Fair.

You’ve probably heard about it by now: The Living Library event happening on Saturday, February 2 at Old Town Library. If you’re interested in participating in the day-long event as a “Reader” of one or more the human Books, then visit our online events calendar to sign up for each Book you wish to check out.

All Books are listed along with a short description and the time and location of the talk at Old Town Library.

To give you a sense of the diverse topics being presented at the Book Fair, take a look at some of the Books available for check out during the event.

 “The Awesome Dude” by Nick Roussos

Nick’s story is different. He was born and raised in Ethiopia and went to boarding school in Straud, England. He is the author of a children’s book. He likes to ski. He loves movies and ice cream. He’s given a TEDx Front Range Talk titled “Wisdom from My Flaming Hot Rod Wheelchair.” And he’s spent his life conquering cerebral palsy and thriving in a world catered to people with abilities.

Nick also started a nonprofit called Awesome in Action that works to spark a shift in how we view abilities. His viewpoint is unique as a man who uses a wheelchair for mobilization, a computerized device for communication, and other adaptive means of accomplishing extraordinary goals.

Further Reading:

“KRFC 88.9 FM Radio Fort Collins” by Jen Parker

Jen Parker’s story spans the globe! She is from the UK and left school at age 16 to travel and work around the world in South America, America, and Greece.

In her early 20s, back in the UK, Jen ended up working for Chris Anderson, who now owns Ted Talks. That opportunity led to a very successful 17-year career in the video game industry, at NBC, at iHeartMedia, and now with KRFC 88.9 FM Radio Fort Collins.

Further Reading:

Pirate Radio (DVD)

“The Open Book: Trauma and Homelessness” by Betsy Turnbull

Fourteen years ago Betsy Turnbull went through a very difficult divorce and lost everything. She then turned to alcohol for relief which slowly devastated her life even more.

She spent nine months in jail, which was largely her choosing, and has now been homeless for a year. But she is “slowly clawing my way back to a somewhat normal life.”

Betsy is open to talking about her experience and showing how a well-educated, accomplished person can fall into homelessness and how unidentified and/or unresolved issues from our past can be brought to the forefront by trauma, making that trauma even more difficult to resolve.

Further Reading:

At Home on the Street: People, Poverty, and a Hidden Culture of Homelessness by Jason Adam Wasserman and Jeffrey Michael Carr

“The Power and Healing in Telling One’s Story” by Dale Grenfell

Telling one’s story is one of the most powerful medicines there is. Stories bridge differences, diffuse conflict, nurture trust, reduce stress and … they heal.

Maya Angelou once said, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Finding and creating venues for our stories is perhaps more important at this time in our history than at any other. Social media, texts and Twitter are no match for one’s own story.

Further Reading:

“Swingin’ in the 20th Century: An American History Through Dance” by Peggy Lyle

With more than 20 years of intensive swing and social dance experience, Peggy Lyle has great knowledge and insights into American social dance.

She has performed and taught around the country, sharing the history tied to and told by 20th century dances like Swing, Boogie Woogie, Balboa, Charleston, Lindy Hop, Shag, and others. Peggy will be joined by Chris McCullough to demonstrate many of the dances and inspire you to get up out of your chair.

Further Reading:

Social Dance: Steps to Success by Judy Patterson Wright

“The Thinking Body” by Debi Kennison

“As the mind goes, so too does the body.”

Debi’s goal is to also encourage growth of the spiritual and physical self in order to help every individual reach their optimal state of being. She strongly believes that through imagery and functional movement practice, anyone can experience their body and mind in a way that is pleasurable and joyful. She is passionate about sharing mindful movement and embodiment practices with people.

Further Reading:

“Tintype Photographer” by Chad Shryock

Chad’s interest in wet plate collodion photography started with browsing through the many Civil War books in his father’s collection.

The photographic medium known as tintype is making a comeback among artistic photographers. Chad discusses the origins of this vintage photography developed by Frederick Scott Archer in 1848 and used into the early 1880s. He also offers a modern demonstration of the traditional tintype process.

Further Reading: