Do you love borrowing eBooks from your library? Do you value the convenience and accessibility of eBooks, especially if you have trouble getting to the library? Are you a fan of eBooks by authors like J.D. Robb, Sandra Dallas, or Terry Goodkind?
Many of you have contacted us with questions about the significant policy changes being implemented by large publishers like Macmillan and how you can make your voice heard.
Starting Nov. 1, Macmillan Publishers limited libraries to purchasing only one copy of each new Macmillan eBook title for the first eight weeks after a book’s release. That means fewer copies available of new titles from favorite authors, and wait times that are considerably longer.
Because Macmillan is restricting access to eBooks, forcing you to either wait for long holds or purchase a copy of the book yourself, Poudre River Public Library District has decided it will no longer purchase digital eBooks or eAudiobook formats from Macmillan Publishers and its subsidiaries. This does not affect print copies of these books.
We want Macmillan Publishers – and publishers who may decide to follow suit – to hear loud and clear that readers demand equal access for all library customers. The Macmillan “embargo” policy is unacceptable.
What You Can Do
1. Sign the petition.
Sign the public petition at or text EBOOKS to 40649 and demand that Macmillan treat public libraries as collaborators rather than competitors.
2. Share feedback on these new eBook lending policies with the Big 5 publishers.
- Macmillan:
- Penguin Random House:
- Simon & Schuster:
- Hachette:
- HarperCollins:
Sample Feedback Message
I’m very concerned about recent changes to eBook lending policies for libraries that restrict the availability of new books for readers. Limiting access to new titles for libraries means limiting access for people most dependent on libraries and for those who are some of the biggest promoters of authors and books. People use libraries to not just borrow books, but also to discover books they may promote to friends and decide to purchase. My library is a huge proponent of authors and books, adding thousands of new books and materials to their shelves and digital shelves every year, hosting author visits, creating book displays, and generally promoting writers and titles. Please reconsider restrictive digital lending policies that limit access to eBooks and to the learning, education, and enjoyment that comes from reading. We must have #eBooksForAll.
3. Post on social media.
Use the hashtag #eBooksForAll to combine your message with thousands of others via Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. Consider using one of these images with your post.
4. Continue to use our digital collections.
We cannot demonstrate the value and need for access without your support in this way. You can access eBooks and eAudiobooks using OverDrive, hoopla, RBDigital, Odilo, and Biblioboard. Learn more about downloading digital materials:
While these new changes may impact our digital collections, know that we will continue to advocate for the resources and services that are important to you.
We appreciate your support.