white woman smiling in front of a library

The Power of Purpose 

Meet Your Library Staff: Selena Paulsen, Development Officer  In 2023, Selena, our Development Officer, raised over $227,000 of grant funding and generous donor contributions for Poudre Libraries. This represents an exponential increase in Poudre Libraries fundraising.   Since she joined our organization in Fall 2022, Selena has been writing grants, building donor relationships, and creating pathways …

latina woman guiding a children's storytime

15 Years of Library Magic | 15 años de magia bibliotecaria

Meet Your Librarian Series: Ludy Rueda / Serie Conoce a tu bibliotecaria: Ludy Rueda (Desplácese hacia abajo para el español) Over 25 years ago while studying abroad in Montana, Ludy Rueda stepped into a U.S. public library for the first time.   Originally from Mexico City, Ludy was encouraged by a friend to visit the public …

How Books Become Library Books 

Meet your Library Staff: Jessie Miglus  Fresh off the press, a book has many paths to get into the hands of a reader. It may go to a local bookstore or a Target where it will be purchased and read by a few people over its time on earth.  Certain books have their destinies written …

three young women all with colorful backgrounds

Fellows in Focus

Library Beginnings from ISAAC’s Adelante Fellowship  Remember the feeling of walking into your first job? The nerves creeping into the front of your mind, the excitement and anticipation of the day ahead, and the curiosity about the type of people you would meet?  Maybe you flipped burgers, babysat, or shelved books at a library.   Whatever …

two men laughing outside a library

The Space to Be Yourself: Meet Your Library Staff 

How two Library rockstars transformed Poudre Libraries approach to inclusive programming  May 2022 marked the first time that Poudre Libraries hosted a recurring program specifically for the LGBTQIA+ community; our QSA program debuted in Spring of last year and Jace Long is the library employee behind it. When he’s not enjoying vanilla or matcha lattes, …