Curiosity has its Rewards for Harbinger Coffee Founder

To watch Jonathan Jarrow at work behind the counter at Harbinger Coffee is to watch a uniquely designed performance that blends art and science. There’s fluidity to his movements as he maneuvers around his space preparing coffee for his customers and engaging them in conversation about his passion for coffee. Today, Jonathan is the founder …

Queen of Katwe Sparks Curiosity in 2nd Grader, Myla Osborn

Sometimes the most wonderfully unexpected things happen when you’re at the library. And when it does, it can lead you in many exciting new directions. Myla Osborn had such an experience this year when she was invited by friends to attend a screening of Disney’s docu-movie, The Queen of Katwe, at Lyric Cinema. The movie …

Oh, the Places Your Curious Mind Will Go!

If you’ve ever been around a small child who asks questions nonstop – and sometimes at the most inopportune moments – then you’ve been in the presence of natural curiosity and wonder. What is that? Why is the sky blue? How does Santa Claus get down the chimney? Why aren’t there anymore dinosaurs? How come …

Playing Outside in 2017

Guest post by Brian Cooke Back in January I asked my fourth-grade daughter if she and her classmates had discussed New Year’s resolutions for 2017. She replied that one of her classmates had resolved to play outside more often. “That’s my New Year’s resolution too,” I told her with a smile, although I hadn’t really thought …