From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After

There is perhaps no beginning to a story filled with more magical possibilities than “once upon a time.” It’s an invitation to storm the castle, swim with mermaids, defeat dark forces, and fly with the winds. It whispers, “Come along with me. An adventure awaits.” We must defeat the ogres and rescue the villagers. We …

Evil Librarians Take Over the World and Other Book Recommendations

Perhaps the only thing better than visiting the library to check out books is reading an exciting page turner set in a library (or a parallel universe library)! Evil librarians take over the world…mysterious books that unlock secrets…strange murders in the stacks. If you can think of a story plot set in a library, there’s …

Prepare for the Final Season of Game of Thrones

If you’re like many of us here at the library, you’re in deep denial that the final season of HBO’s “Game of Thrones” is starting this month. And to make it worse, we STILL don’t have the sixth book in the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series from George, yet! So what’s a Westeros …

Local Author Enjoys Self-Publishing Success with Serial Fiction

An Interview with Local Sci-Fi/Fantasy Author Daniel Ausema With the wide range of writing tools and publishing paths available, today’s authors have more opportunities to get their stories in front of readers than ever before. And your public library plays a large role in that! Poudre River Public Library District doesn’t just place books and …