Naming the Poudre River

History facts wit’ Captain Cache Yesterday it be cold and rainy, and I was huddled below deck in the Reading Rodger. It be a perfect day for researchin’ I thought, so I fired up me computer and navigated to the Answer Cache under the Research Tab of the Poudre River Libraries website. There I were, …

Flash Your Library Card around Fort Collins

Your Poudre River Public Library Card is your ticket to opportunity. Not only do you get access to free books, music, and movies through the Poudre River Libraries, you also get discounts and benefits at Fort Collins businesses through our “Flash Your Card” program like 10% off a purchase or a free drink just by …

Books for Babies (you can find ’em all at the Poudre Libraries)

I recently became a grandmother for the tenth time to a preemie. As the Early Literacy Librarian for our Library District, I know the importance of reading to your child from the day she/he is born. So after she was born, I wanted to share a book as soon as possible. But what to read, …

Fort Collins 150th Anniversary: FC150

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Fort Collins Happy birthday to you FC150. Sounds like a lower division college course doesn’t it? FC-150, History of Fort Collins from 1864 to present. Close, but this “course” doesn’t cost any money and won’t earn you college credit. What it will do is …