Did you and your children enjoy the Summer Reading Program at one of the Poudre River Public Libraries? Are you a member of a Library Book Club? Did you attend one of the evening programs at a library held on a variety of subjects? These and many other programs for young and old, held at the Poudre River Libraries are financially supported by the Poudre River Friends of the Library.
October 20-26 is National Friends of the Library Week, celebrating and recognizing the Friends for their invaluable and long-standing support, both financially and through advocacy, of public libraries in their communities.
Who are the Poudre River Friends of the Library? It is a nonprofit voluntary organization of library supporters whose mission is to enrich the educational and financial resources of the Library, and advocate for and raise awareness of its value to the community. The Friends are best known for their three big used book sales, held in the spring, summer and fall, which raise significant funds for the Library. As Bill Campbell, president of the Poudre River Friends of the Library, noted, “Most patrons would be surprised to learn how many of the services and programs they enjoy are supported by the Friends.”
And the biggest of the Friends of the Library book sales is just around the corner, to be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 1, 2 and 3. This year, the book sale will be at a new venue, at the Lincoln Center, 417 West Magnolia in Fort Collins. Bill Campbell reports “We are very excited to be at the newly remodeled Lincoln Center. With new volunteers helping us, we have been able to attract an excellent selection of fiction and nonfiction books and other materials. Plus, we’re also having discount coupons for kids! We hope to draw in old and new book lovers to the sale, which will go toward support of popular programs at the Poudre River Public Libraries.”
Participate in the celebration of Friends of the Library Week by becoming a member, which is open to all in the community, and by going to the Friends of the Library Book Sale in November.
Friends of the Library website: www.PRFOL.org