Did you know there was a time that people were afraid of the internet? And no, we’re not talking about the time of The Terminator when networked computers essentially created robots to kill humanity (we still have fifteen years before that happens). No! We’re actually talking about time that is a bit closer, and that’s the 2000s.
So, when the library started putting its catalogue online, people were very uneasy with the change.
In effort to make the transition online less scary, and more user friendly, libraries all over started naming their catalogues. Skynet, fortunately, was not one of them. More amicable names were chosen, like CSU’s catalogue, “Sage”, and Poudre River Libraries’ was “OWL”.
But what does OWL stand for?
Well, it stands for Our Web Library, the acronym was a creation of former Director, Kim Crowley.
At about that save time the Library District was opening Harmony Library on the FRCC campus, so the OWL mascot for Harmony Library was born.
Pretty cute, huh?
But the times, they are a-changin’, and just as Council Tree’s Fisher the Raccoon and Old Town’s Annie the Railroad Dog have names, we think it’s time for Owl to get one too.
We’re asking you for help!
We are holding a contest for kids age twelve and under to submit a name for Owl, and write him/her a backstory! Where did he/she come from? Could it be from the future and he/she’s here to stop the takeover of killer robots? Who knows!
We want to know what you think Owl’s story is! Use your imagination, and write of the legend of this mystery owl.
All you need to do is fill out this form, color Owl in, and write a short backstory. You can download the coloring sheet here, OwlNamingColoringSheet and take it to any Poudre River Library (Old Town, Harmony, Council Tree) before January 20th, 2014!
You can also mail them to:
Owl Naming
Poudre River Public Library District
301 East Olive Street
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
We can’t wait to see your submissions! We’re sure they’ll be a hoot!
I like Sir Hoots-A-Lot and his Grammy nominated single “Libraries Aren’t Whack”!
“I like good books and I cannot lie. You other readers can’t deny…”