Students, faculty and staff at Colorado State University no longer have to carry around two cards in their wallet to receive all the benefits that come from being a Poudre Library District member and a CSU Ram.
Through a collaboration between the Poudre River Public Library District and Colorado State University, RamCards now have all the perks of a Poudre River Libraries card. Not only will this allow RamCard holders to check out books, magazines, and movies from the library, it will also give them access to free ebooks, streaming movies, music, online magazine subscriptions, research databases and more. This program is available to anyone with a RamCard, even if you already have a public library card. All you have to do, is opt in.
How to sign up
To opt-in for this program, simply follow the steps below.
- Go to RamWeb and log in with your eID and password
- Under “Records,” click on “Manage My Student Record”
- Click on “Change My Library Options”
- Check the box to opt-in to the program, and click on “Submit”
Within 24 hours, your RamCard will be a fully functional Poudre River Public Library card and you’ll have complete access to our collection of recreational library resources, including popular fiction & nonfiction e-books, electronic magazines, and audio books. Simply enter your RamCard ID number when prompted on the Poudre River Libraries web site, or present your RamCard at any of the three public library location to get started!