Brain Breaks are short activities, often only 1-3 minutes long, that help kids get ready to learn or refocus on the task at hand. They often involve physical activity and movement though relaxing activities can also boost mental brain power.
So, in addition to encouraging your kids to participate in these fun breaks, join the kiddos and have some refreshing, stress-free fun yourself, too!
This week’s Brain Break continues to educate children about the voting process in advance of our upcoming election, through a book reading and activity links.
Supplies needed:
- Class Fruit Coloring pages
- Additional Paper (optional)
- Coloring materials like crayons, markers, paint
Here’s what you do:
- Enjoy the read-aloud of the book “Let’s Vote: A Fruitful Election Tale” by Anita Iaco.
2. Watch the video to learn how to do the voting activity .
3. Download the Coloring Pages
Children are encouraged to choose a new fruit and be the campaign spokesperson for that fruit. They can write why they think that fruit would make the best class fruit. Then color the page.
Challenge Extensions:
For the little ones (Grades K-3)
- Create an additional Campaign Poster for their chosen fruit. Talk with an older sibling or adult about why they chose the fruit they did.
- Talk about what lessons the students in the story learned about how to voting and being a spokesperson for their fruit. (Being honest, not making promises they couldn’t keep, etc)
- Stop by Council Tree Library through Monday, November 2 to participate in our Mock Election for Kindergarten – 3rd grade.
For the older kids (Grades 4 to middle school)
- Create an additional Campaign Poster for their chosen fruit. Talk with an older sibling or adult about why they chose the fruit they did.
- Talk about what issues they might like to vote on at their school and why.
- Stop by Council Tree Library through Monday, November 2 to participate in our Mock Election for grades 4 – middle school.
Check out these books for more fun!
Search our online catalog for these great book recommendations.