Nature Walk Names: Gnome Zone Weeklong Challenge

Welcome to this week’s Gnome Zone Challenge. Below you’ll find all the information and instructions you need to complete the challenge and to extend it for younger or older kids. You have a full week to complete it before the next week-long challenge begins. Good luck and have fun! The Challenge: Nature Walk Names Supplies …

Modular Origami: Tween Zone Weekly Challenge

Welcome to the first Tween Zone Weekly Challenge! Each Friday, we’ll share a new activity to challenge your thinking, creativity, and STREAM skills. Let us see your final projects by sharing them on social media using the hashtag #PoudreLibraries. We’ll try to share as many photos as possible before the next week’s challenge gets underway. …

Books to Empower & Foster Understanding about Race and Social Justice for Kids and Teens

Four years ago, we shared a book list aimed at kids, tweens, and teens to help them understand and talk about social justice, race, and cultural awareness. It came on the heels of the shooting deaths of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota, and soon after the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers. …

Make Your Own Gnome Home: Gnome Zone Weeklong Challenge

Welcome to the first Gnome Zone Weeklong Challenge! Share your finished projects with us on social media using the hashtag #PoudreLibraries. We’ll highlight as many as we can each week before the next challenge begins (new challenges every Monday). Supplies needed Sticks, twigs, bark Stones – big and small Greenery – like grass and leaves …