Trending Titles: hoopla Top 25

Many of you are discovering just how convenient it is to use the Library’s digital download services like hoopla, OverDrive, and RB Digital to find all of your favorite eBooks and audiobooks. If you’re looking for reading recommendations or new entertainment, be sure to check out the Library’s top trending titles on hoopla right now. …

Adulting in the Time of Coronavirus

Blog post by Laura Carter While we may find ourselves social distancing in our homes, the need to adult may be greater than ever. Restaurants, clothing stores, repair shops, doctors’ offices and more are closed, so it’s time for a good “Can-Do” attitude! With time at work reduced or eliminated, it may be time to …

Social and Emotional Support for Children: 20 eBook Recommendations

As we all respond to the COVID-19 with social distancing, the cancellation of in-school learning, and other changes to our “normal” routine, it’s no surprise that we’re all feeling a range of emotions. Healthcare professionals keep reminding us how important it is to attend to the social and emotional needs that arise during times like …

The Library has Apps for That!

Did you notice the redesigned Downloads page on our website? It offers you easy access to all the Library’s apps and online platforms available to browse, borrow, download and/or stream digital titles. With tens of thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, eMagazines, movies, comics and more right at your fingertips, – and no late fees because items …

Audiobooks: Saving Road Trips (and Marriages) One Story at a Time

Every summer, my hubby and I pack up our car with road snacks, vacation clothes, fishing gear, our dog and all of her gear, and we set off on the 19-hour drive from Colorado to my parents’ house in northern Wisconsin. (And when I say northern Wisconsin, we’re basically talking about the UP.) Over the …