20+ Reasons to Use the Library to Start Your Business

“What? I never knew the library had these things!”

It’s a statement Poudre River Public Library District librarians hear a lot when it comes to our business, nonprofit, and entrepreneur services.

Many people think the library is just about children’s storytimes or book clubs (which we have!); but in fact, we have an expansive collection of business resources and research databases and our professional business and nonprofit librarians provide invaluable research services and education.

We’ve come up with 20+ Great Reasons why you should take advantage of the library’s business resources and services!

1.  Because entrepreneurs can’t afford business journals and newspapers on a ramen noodle budget.

2.  Because you value the difference between a web search and research.

3.  Because the library has information and research experts available to meet with one-on-one.

4.  Because the library is about more than just books. (Though we do have more than 340,000 print volumes.)

5.  Because it’s 3AM and you need to read the profile of the United States yogurt industry.

6.  Because easy access to information and research equals increased business opportunity.

7.  Because free business classes, workshops, and tutorials are only a click away.

8.  Because research is formalized curiosity and librarians help you Connect to Curiosity.

9.  Because the library is the startup community’s “fast casual” information hub.

10. Because you need to know how many people ages 20-54 live in Fort Collins. (It’s about 82,000.)

11. Because marketing is more than just building a website.

12. Because who says you can’t do business research in your pajamas at the kitchen table.

13. Because there’s no single source for information. (Sorry Wikipedia.)

14. Because why should you pay for information you can get for free.

15. Because you need a comfortable place to meet clients without paying monthly fees.

16. Because those business templates you found on Google aren’t very useful.

17. Because there are more than 986,000,000 search engine results for “how to start a business.”

18. Because your competition was just at the library.

19. Because one of the best business tools you have is curiosity and the library is the place to Connect to Curiosity. #ConnectToCuriosity

20. Because why shouldn’t you be able to bring your grande half-caf caramel macchiato. 

21. Because you understand the importance of a knowledgeable business partner.

22. Because you have questions and the library has answers.

23.  Because free Wi-Fi shouldn’t require a receipt.

To learn more about the library’s free business services, visit our Business Center webpage, request a one-on-one appointment with Anne Macdonald or Sarah Scobey, our Business & Nonprofit Librarians, or subscribe up for our business and entrepreneurs eNews.

We look forward to working with you on your startup venture!

For more information about Poudre River Public Library District, visit our website or call the Answer Center at (970) 221-6740.