Books for Babies (you can find ’em all at the Poudre Libraries)

I recently became a grandmother for the tenth time to a preemie. As the Early Literacy Librarian for our Library District, I know the importance of reading to your child from the day she/he is born. So after she was born, I wanted to share a book as soon as possible. But what to read, …

Acing Yer CPA with Answer Cache

What’s yer CPA ye ask? Well, I’ll tell ye. It’s yer Certified Pirate Accreditation, and once ye’ve earned it, ye join famous pirates like me self and Cap’n Jack Sparrow. Bein’ a pirate require attitude, swagger, a general knowledge of pirate culture and o’ course good looks. Some Tips 1. Know how t’ swim fer …

Fort Collins 150th Anniversary: FC150

Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear Fort Collins Happy birthday to you FC150. Sounds like a lower division college course doesn’t it? FC-150, History of Fort Collins from 1864 to present. Close, but this “course” doesn’t cost any money and won’t earn you college credit. What it will do is …

Introducing Captain Cache!

Ahoy, mateys! I, Captain Cache, be the newest member of the Poudre River Public Library District’s mascot team. It be an honor, ye know, bein’ just a simple pirate and all, t’ represent the Libraries’ online activities. Let me tell ya how I came to be a Library Mascot… Once upon a time, in a …